❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #004 - The Godmother of Cardiology

Hello there!

It has been an unexpected couple of weeks with an unfortunate exposure to a COVID positive patient at work for which I was quarantined for 7 days and had to send my first (of many?) throat swab for COVID-19 RT-PCR testing.
Fortunately, the result was negative, I am well, and I join back to work tomorrow.

As I write to you today, the 31st of August, 2020, I would like to pay tribute to
Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Iyer Padmavati, legendary cardiologist, popularly called the ‘godmother of cardiology’ who succumbed to COVID-19 on the 29th at the age of 103.

Dr. Padmavati was a pioneer in field of cardiology in India and the first female cardiologist, I believe. She was the founding director of National Heart Institute, a recipient of the Padma Bhushan and the Padma Vibhushan and also the Harvard Medical International Award, Dr BC Roy Award and Kamla Menon Research Award.

She set up a cardiology department in Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC), Delhi, during her tenure as Director-Principal there. She also started the DM course in Cardiology there and a lot of other superspecialities which were firsts in India like the Coronary Care Unit and Coronary Care Van. She also established Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Lady Harding Medical College (LHMC).
Apart from that was always known as a doctor with a heart of gold who never said no to her patients.Worthy of note, she was also extremely active in sports like swimming and tennis even till the age of 94! To sum up, medical fraternity lost a very prominent figure who’ll be missed across the length and breadth of this country.

Rest in peace.

I hope to be more regular with these newsletters. Write to me, reply back to this mail and tell me what you enjoyed and what you would like to see more (or less) of!

Looking forward,

Until next time.

Something amazing happened at the Bristol Zoo last week!Keepers arrived to find the new arrival nestling in the arms of its mother.

Baby gorilla born at Bristol Zoo
Staff at Bristol Zoo said they arrived at work “to find a brand new baby in the house”.

Something that needs your attention!

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to claim lives everday around the globe. Since a nationwide lockdown is not feasible for such extended periods of time, some parts of the country have started with the unlocking phase. However THIS is the time when you should avoid going out until there’s an absolute necessity to do so and prevent yourself and your family from exposure. Most hospitals are almost at full capacity and the medical caregivers are working round the clock to ensure well-being of the affected patients, often risking their own lives. The least we can as do citizens is to stay indoors to avoid further transmission of the disease and keep our family and community safe. This is an initiative under taken by my NGO, Doctors For A Cause, and attached below is a poster that the good people over there made as a PSA! Check it out and spread the word!

Click Here

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