❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #032 - One easy mantra
Hello everyone!
Hope you are all safe and sound during such difficult times. If you are 18+ and
eligible, I
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #031 - What Sachin told Virat
Hello everyone!
Times are difficult. Though we all saw this stage coming to some extent, it
still feels like India’
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #030 - Resistance is like gravity, but worse
I hope you are well and safe as you are reading this because the COVID train in
India is
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #029 - Are you thinking as hard as you're working?
Hello everyone!
This week I received news that my third manuscript and first case report just
got published in the
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #028 - Hack your happiness
Hello everyone!
This week, my NGO, ‘Doctors For A Cause’ turned four! I still cannot believe it
has been soo
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #027 - The Miracle Question
Hello everyone!
I have been consistent with this newsletter for 3 months now and I am really
ecstatic about it.
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #026 - Building 'brain-space'
Hello everyone!
Imagine you are in your living room. This is your physical space.
Your living room is made up
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #025 - A leap of faith
Hello everyone!
Today’s newsletter is a small rant, and maybe a lesson along the way.
Short version:
I am
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #024 - 28 life lessons as I turn 28
Hello everyone!
I turned 28 yesterday. 28 years of existence, growth and experiences on this
planet. Work has continued to
❄️ Freezethawed: The Newsletter #023 - Not overthinking
Hello everyone!
I’ve had a really hectic week after a long long looong time.
We admitted 70+ patients in